BCM May 2022 Monthly Meeting Recap

BCM May 2022 Monthly Meeting Recap



The Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) held a regular Monthly Meeting on 27 May 2022 in cooperation with the United Nations in Mongolia under the theme “Changing Landscape: Role of the Private Sector to Enable Sustainable Development in Mongolia through Strategic Partnerships with the United Nations.” The meeting was held at the Shangri-La Hotel both in-person and online, with BCM Chair Mr. Ts.Tumentsogt hosting.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Tumentsogt touched on how the situation in Mongolia’s two neighbors is negatively impacting Mongolia’s economy, namely the Russo-Ukrainian war and trade hindrances at the Chinese border. These two issues are contributing to high inflation and logistics difficulties, which in turn are slowing economic recovery. However, the focus of the BCM’s May Monthly Meeting was how the private sector can engage in sustainable development and how they can partner with the United Nations.

Addressing the audience, Mr. Tapan Mishra, Resident Coordinator of the UN in Mongolia, emphasized that the private has to be fully on board. Governments, NGOs, and civil society alone cannot achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) without the direct involvement of business and the private sector, as the UN sees them as key partners in contributing to innovation, technology, financing, and other important facets of development. In May, the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework was signed with the Mongolian government, outlining collaboration in Mongolia for the next five years. The 2030 SDGs are an important milestone for achieving the government’s “Vision 2050,” said Mishra. He made four appeals to the private sector: think outside the box; think big; think bold; and think about the people of Mongolia, especially the most vulnerable.

After the Resident Coordinator’s address, a panel discussion was held on the topic of “Human Development and Well-being.” Moderated by BCM Chair Mr. Tumentsogt, on the panel were:

  • Ms. Ayako KAINO, Deputy Country Representative, UNICEF
  • Mr. Koji KURUSHIMA, CEO, MobiCom
  • Ms. Byambaa, IOM Mongolia
  • Dr. Khalid SHARIFI, Head of Office of UNFPA Mongolia
  • Ms. Osorpurev TSERENNADMID, Senior Manager, Communities and Social Performance, Oyu Tolgoi LLC

Heads of UN bodies as well as Mongolian businesses shared what their organizations have been doing in Mongolia to accelerate development. Many businesses are already cooperating with UN bodies, such MobiCom partnering with UNICEF on a project to improve sanitary toilet in rural areas as well as education programs. As a multi-billion-dollar mining project, Oyu Tolgoi implements many projects at the soum, provincial, and national level. “We don’t see ourselves as simply financiers; we involve ourselves technically,” stated Ms. Tserennadmid, Senior Manager of Communities and Social Performance at Oyu Tolgoi.

After a brief Q&A with the audience, a second panel discussion was held on the topic of “Green, Inclusive, and Sustainable Growth.” Chaired by UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Tapan Mishra, the panel featured:
  • Ms. Bavlai ERDENEDELGER, Deputy CEO, Khan Bank
  • Mr. Yasin JANJUA, Economist, UNDP
  • Ms. Cristina MARTINEZ, Senior Specialist and Asia Pacific Coordinator, Environment and Decent Work, ILO
  • Ms. Gungaa MUNKHBOLOR, National Coordinator, UNIDO
  • Ms. Gombo NYAMJARGAL, Assistant Representative, FAO

Heads of the international organizations on the panel elaborated on the global and domestic goals of their organization, as well as what sorts of partnerships they are seeking with the private sector. There was a common sentiment among panelists that business principles and government policies should be more aligned with the SDGs. Ms. Erdenedelger form Khan Bank noted how the company has rolled out special green lending products for electronics that are more eco-friendly, and also that the bank has a loan policy for herders.

Near the end of the meeting, Ms. Dolgor Soyolmaa, Development Coordination Officer for Communications and Advocacy at the UN, gave a presentation on “How the Private Sector Can Engage in the SDG Open Day.” The UN is holding an open day in September, where businesses as well as other organizations can meet with representatives of UN bodies to inquire about opportunities for collaboration. The event will feature fun and interactive activities for youth and children, art performances, SDG action awards, and other interesting activities.

After the meeting, a networking event was organized in cooperation with Lemon Spice. Lemon Spice is organizing a three-day food festival in Ulaanbaatar at the end of July. Click here to purchase early bird tickets!

Photos from the meeting can be found from the BCM's Facebook page.

More information can be found from the Editor's notes and presentations linked below.

  1. Editor's notes (English)
  2. How the Private Sector Can Engage in the SDG Open Day” by Dolgor Soyolmaa, UN Development Coordination Officer for Communications and Advocacy


The Business Council of Mongolia’s (BCM) Monthly Meeting was held on 21 October 2020 in the Ballroom of the Shangri-La Hotel, with Chairman Ts.Tumentsogt hosting for an audience of around 120 people.

This was the first in-person meeting held in the year 2020, as restrictions on gatherings to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 in Mongolia have been lifted. Mongolia still has no cases of community transmission, with all the cases of COVID-19 being imported. This Monthly Meeting was sponsored by Newcom Group.

The meeting started off with an update on Mongolia’s economic outlook by Bank of Mongolia Governor Mr. B.Lkhagvasuren. Although there still remains a high level of uncertainty, the global economic recovery has been better than expected. The world’s economy is forecasted to contract by 4.4 percent this year, whereas previous estimates stated 5-6 percent. Mongolia’s economy is expected to contract by 2 percent in 2020, and grow by 6 percent in 2021. More details from the update can be found in the Governor’s presentation linked below this recap.

The rest of the BCM Monthly Meeting continued in two segments: an Ambassador’s Roundtable with Ambassadors of six embassies, and then a panel discussion on green economic growth and green finance.

Chaired by CEO of Bloomberg TV Mongolia Mr. E.Dolgion, the Ambassador’s Roundtable featured the following ambassadors:

  • H.E. Ms. Catherine Ivkoff, Ambassador of Canada to Mongolia
  • H.E. Mr. Jörn Rosenberg, Ambassador of Germany to Mongolia
  • H.E. Ms. Laura Bottà, Ambassador of Italy to Mongolia
  • H.E. Mr. Michael S. Klecheski, Ambassador of the USA to Mongolia
  • H.E. Mr. Mohinder Pratap Singh, Ambassador of India to Mongolia
  • H.E. Mr. Traian Hristea, Ambassador of the European Union to Mongolia

Ambassadors briefed the audience on how COVID-19 has impacted their respective countries as well as the various social and economic measures their governments have taken in response. Many countries are also developing various vaccines, and Indian Ambassador Mohinder Singh mentioned he has hope that India will have a vaccine ready around February of next year. Furthermore, Mongolia’s removal from the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions – the “greylist” – seems imminent. “I believe we will very soon witness a happy ending,” stated Traian Hristea, EU Ambassador to Mongolia.

After a short break, a panel discussion was held on the theme “Green Economic Growth and Green Finance,” moderated by Investment Director at Newcom, Ms. M.Namuun. Newcom Group is a vanguard of Mongolia’s green energy sector. It established Mongolia’s first green power project in the Gobi region, and currently has multiple renewable projects under implementation. On the panel were:

  • Mr. Arnaud Heckmann, Principal Urban Development Special, East Asia Department, ADB
  • Dr. Z.Batjargal, National Focal Point, Green Climate Fund
  • Dr. D.Gan-Ochir, Chief Economist, Bank of Mongolia
  • Mr. E.Orchlon, Chief Investment Officer, Newcom Group
  • Ms. G.Tuul, Director of the Eco Banking Department, XacBank

Panelists emphasized that the effects of climate change are not something to anticipate in the far future, but rather something that is affecting the country today, as desertification is already reducing pastures. Mongolia is “drying up.” Mongolia needs about USD 13 billion by 2030 to reach various green targets. Though this may seem like a huge figure, about USD 8-9 billion will probably be secured, and Dr. Batjargal believes we have an 80-90% chance of the targets being fulfilled. The BoM has started recording Green Loan Statistics, and will soon publish a manual for environmental and social risk assessment. However, green loans currently account for only 2.2% of total loans in Mongolia.

The issue of climate change is incredibly complex an addressing it will require the participation of virtually every sector of society. Thus, it is key that various public and private initiatives have cohesion, so that the various measures have greater synergy, stated Mr. Heckmann from the ADB.

More information on the Monthly Meeting can be found from the Editor’s full notes linked below.


  1. Editor's full notes
  2. Economic Outlook (Mongolian) - by B.Lkhagvasuren, BoM Governor
  3. The BoM's Role in Green Finance (English) - by D.Gan-Ochir, BoM Chief Economist


Монголын Бизнесийн Зөвлөл (МБЗ)-ийн Бүх Гишүүдийн Сарын Уулзалт 2020 оны 10-р сарын 21-ний өдөр Шангри-Ла зочид буудлын Танхимд 120 орчим гишүүний бүрэлдэхүүнтэй зохион байгуулагдаж, Удирдах Зөвлөлийн Дарга Ц.Түмэнцогт нээлтийн үгийг эхлэв.
Монгол Улсад COVID-19 вирусын дэгдэлт гарахаас урьдчилан сэргийлэх үүднээс уулзалт цуглаан зохион байгуулах хоригийн хязгаарлалтыг цуцалсантай холбогдуулан 2020 оны анхны биечилсэн Бүх гишүүдийн Сарын уулзалт байлаа. Монгол улсад COVID-19-ийн олон нийтэд дамжин халдварлах тохиолдол одоогоор бүртгэгдээгүй байна. Уг сар бүрийн уулзалтыг ивээн тэтгэсэн - Иьюком Групп.
Уулзалт Монголбанкны Ерөнхийлөгч Б.Лхагвасүрэнгийн Монгол Улсын эдийн засгийн төлөв байдлын талаархи шинэчилсэн мэдээллээр эхэллээ. Тодорхой бус байдал үргэлжилсээр байгаа хэдий ч дэлхийн эдийн засгийн сэргэлт хүлээгдэж байснаас илүү сайжирсан байна. Дэлхийн эдийн засаг энэ онд 4.4 хувиар агшина гэж таамаглаж байсан бол өмнөх тооцоогоор 5-6 хувьтай байсан. Монгол Улсын эдийн засаг 2020 онд 2 хувиар буурч, 2021 онд 6 хувиар өсөх төлөвтэй байна. Шинэчлэлийн дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг энэхүү тоймын доор байгаа линк дээр дарж прэсэнтазтай танилцан харна уу.
Уулзалт хоёр хуралдаанаас бүрдсэн бөгөөд эхний хуралдаанд зургаан улсын Элчин сайд нар оролцсон, дараагийн хуралдаанд ногоон эдийн засгийн өсөлт ба ногоон санхүүжилтийн талаархи хэлэлцэв.
Bloomberg TV Mongolia-ийн Гүйцэтгэх захирал Э.Долгионоор удирдуулсан Элчин сайдын дугуй ширээний уулзалтад дараахь Элчин сайд нар оролцов:

  • Канад Улсаас Монгол Улсад суугаа Элчин сайд хатагтай Кэтрин Ивкоф
  • Холбооны Бүгд Найрамдах Герман Улсаас Монгол Улсад суугаа Элчин сайд Ноён Ёорн Розенберг
  • Бүгд Найрамдах Итали улсаас Монгол Улсад суугаа Элчин сайд хатагтай Лаура Ботта
  • АНУ-аас Монгол Улсад суух Элчин ноён Майкл С. Клечески 
  • Энэтхэг Улсаас Монгол Улсад суугаа  Элчин сайд Мохиндер Пратап Синхгх
  • Европын Холбооноос Монгол Улсад суугаа Элчин сайд ноён Трайан Христеа

Элчин сайдууд оролцогчдод КОВИД-19 тэдний улсуудад хэрхэн нөлөөлсөн болон үүний эсрэг авсан нийгэм, эдийн засгийн хэд хэдэн хариу арга хэмжээний талаар товч танилцуулав. Хэд хэдэн улсууд олон янзийн вакцинуудыг гаргахаар ажиллаж байгаа бөгөөд Энэтхэг Улсаас Монгол Улсад суугаа Элчин сайд ноён Мохиндер Пратап Синг дараа жилийн 2-р сар гэхэд Энэтхэг улс вакциныг гарган авна гэдэгт найдаж байгаагаа илэрхийлэв. Түүнчлэн, ЕХ-ны хамтарч ажилдаггүй улсуудын жагсаалт буюу “саарал жагсаалт”-аас Монгол Улс гарах нь гарцаагүй байгаа. Европын Холбооноос Монгол Улсад суугаа Элчин сайд ноён Трайан Христеа тэрээр хэлэхдээ: “бид тун удахгүй энэ асуудал сайнаар дуусахыг харна гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна”.
Богино хугацааны завсарлагын дараа дараагийн дугуй ширээний уулзалтыг Ньюком группын Хөрөнгө оруулалт хариуцсан захирал, хатагтай М.Намуун “Ногоон эдийн засгийн өсөлт ба ногоон санхүүжилт” сэдвийн хүрээнд удирдан оролцов. Ньюком групп нь Монголын ногоон эрчим хүчний тэргүүнд эгнээнд ажиллаж байгаа юм.  Ньюком групп нь Монголын анхны ногоон эрчим хүчний төслийг Говийн бүсэд эхлүүлсэн ба мөн бусад хэд хэдэн төслүүдийг хэрэгжүүлж байгаа юм.
Дугуй ширээний уулзалтанд дараах төлөөлөгчид оролцов:

  • АХБ-ны Зүүн Азийн газрын Хотын хөгжлийн ахлах мэргэжилтэн ноён Арнауд Хекманн
  • Ногоон цаг уурын сангийн Үндэсний зөвлөх Др. З.Батжаргал
  • Монголбанкны Ерөнхий эдийн засагч Др. Д.Ган-Очир
  • Ньюком группын Хөрөнгө оруулалтын захирал Э.Орчлон
  • Хас банкны Эко банкны газрын захирал Г.Туул

Төлөөлөгчдийн үзэж байгаагаар уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт нь холын ирээдүйн асуудал биш бөгөөд харин энэ нь өнөөдөр энэ улсад нөлөөлж байгаа асуудал буюу цөлжилт аль хэдийн бэлчээрийн газрыг хорогдуулаад эхэлчилсэн байна. Монгол Улс “хатаж” байна. Монгол Улсад 2030 он гэхэд хэд хэдэн ногоон зорилтыг хангахад 13 тэрбум ам.доллар шаардлагатай. Энэ нь хэдийгээр их хэмжээний сонсогдож байгаа ч гэсэн 8-9 орчим тэрбум ам.доллар нь бэлэн байхаар тооцож байгаа ба Др. Батжаргалын үзэж байгаагаар бид дээрх зорилтыг хангах 80-90 хувийн боломж байгаа юм.  Монголбанкны зүгээс Ногоон зээлийн статистикийг бүртгээд эхэлсэн бөгөөд удахгүй байгаль орчин, нийгмийн эрсдэлийн үнэлгээг хийх аргачлалыг боловсруулан гаргахаар ажиллаж байна. Одоогоор Ногоон зээл нь Монгол Улсын хэмжээнд нийт зээлийн дөнгөж 2.2 хувийг бүрдүүлж байна.
Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн асуудал нь маш төвөгтэй бөгөөд нийгмийн бүхий л салбарын оролцоог шаардаж байдаг. “Тиймээс хувийн салбарын болон төрийн уялдаа холбоо илүү үр дүнтэй ажил хийхэд чухал ач холбогдолтой юм” гэж ноён Хекманн онцлов.
Сар бүрийн уулзалтын талаарх илүү их мэдээллийг доорх холбоосноос авна уу.

1. Редакторын бүрэн хэмжээний тэмдэглэл
2. Эдийн засгийн төлөв (Монгол хэлээр) - Б.Лхагвасүрэн, Монголбанкны Ерөнхийлөгч
3. Ногоон санхүүжилтэд оролцох Монголбанкны үүрэг (Англи хэлээр) - Д.Ган-Очир, Монголбанкны Ерөнхий эдийн засагч

After the meeting, a Networking Event was held at the Brussels Belgian Beer Cafe.
BCM January Monthly Meeting Recap

BCM January Monthly Meeting Recap

BCM Monthly Meeting Recap



The Business Council of Mongolia’s (BCM) Monthly Meeting was held online on 28 January 2021 using the Zoom platform, with BCM Chairman and CEO of Erdenes Oyu Tolgoi Mr. Ts.Tumentsogt hosting for an audience of around 85 people.

The theme of the first Monthly Meeting of 2021 was “Mongolian economy during the COVID-19 Pandemic: 2021 outlook, government actions, members’ concerns and ways forward.”

2020 was a difficult year for all around the world, and Mongolia was no exception. Mongolia’s economy contracted by 7.3 percent in the first three quarters of 2020, and the budget deficit grew. 
The government headed by U.Khurelsukh also resigned recently, and Khurelsukh’s Chief Cabinet Secretary L.Oyun-Erdene was appointed as the 32nd Prime Minister of Mongolia.

This Monthly Meeting featured speakers who provided us with insight into how various countries have handled the COVID pandemic and the measures taken by the respective governments on the economy.

First up, Mr. Randolph Koppa, Vice Chairman of the BCM and Executive Vice Chairman of Trade and Development Bank, gave us a brief overview of the situation in Sweden. Mr. Koppa had been travelling abroad in March of last year, and has not come back to Mongolia due to the ongoing border closure. 

The Swedish approach featured a partial lockdown, and never really had a complete lockdown. The people have been good as far as social distancing, avoiding large gatherings and inter-generational meetings. Social isolation is helped by the fact that 45 percent of Swedes live alone. 

Sweden is known as a country with high tax rates as well as deep social safety nets, so it is no surprise that its government has undertaken several economic measures to address the COVID downturn. For example, businesses that have had to curtail operations may qualify to receive funding from the government for 70 percent of salaries to laid off workers. They have also offered zero percent interest SME loans, soft loans to support exports, and discounts on social insurance.

Mr. Koppa noted that when it comes to Mongolia, FDI and foreign funding is crucial, and conditions are favorable at the moment as interest rates are low. In addition, new types of jobs, such as in green energy, should be fostered to replace jobs that have been permanently lost.

The second speaker, H.E. Mr. Lkhagvadorj Tumur, Ambassador of Mongolia to Singapore, delved into how Singapore has handled things. Tourism is one of the pillar sectors of Singapore’s economy, taking in about 18 million tourists per year prior to COVID. From China alone, 40 to 50 thousand tourists used to arrive daily. The government has implemented a program to retrain people who have lost work due to COVID, by helping them transition into other sectors. For example, airline workers can transition into the medical or hospitality field.

Singapore’s government has passed a series of economic stimulus packages equivalent to about 12 percent of GDP. The government may provide 25-75 percent of salaries for laid off workers. Principal payments on loans have been postponed, and utilities credits have been given to households. Some of these measures should sound familiar as Mongolia has also taken similar actions. As of the fourth quarter of 2020, the economy contracted about 3.8 percent, but GDP is expected to recover to 4-6 percent growth in 2021.

Our third speaker was Mr. Choo Yonh Shik, Associate Professor at Chung Ang University in Seoul, South Korea. Korea has had three COVID waves, in February, August, and November. The epicenters of the first two waves were relatively clear, but this third wave is worrisome in that it is unclear where its origins are. The government has set up walk-through and drive-through screening and testing facilities, with 180 facilities around the country. 

2020 GDP is forecasted to contract 1.1 percent, and the growth forecast for 2021 is at around 3 percent. A total of USD 67 billion in various supports for society have been approved. The government also announced the “K-New Deal” – featuring major investments in infrastructure, high tech industries, and support for SMEs. The government plans to spend around USD 560 billion from the national budget, with 60 percent being allocated for the first half of 2021. The professor noted that some economists are rather concerned about the mid-to-long term effects of such major capital injections, as it carries the risk of high inflation, as well as sovereign debt risks.

Member of Parliament Mr. T.Dorjkhand was scheduled to be the final speaker, but was called to an urgent matter of parliament at the last minute, and Ms. B.Munkhsoyol spoke in his place. Dorjkhand is the sole MP from the National Labor Party (NLP) in parliament. The NLP has made some recommendations to the government regarding the current situation. The Bank of Mongolia made historic cuts to the policy rate in 2020, as well as ramping up child benefit money to MNT 100,000 per child per month. The child benefit money will be provided until July, at which point it will be reduced to MNT 20,000 per month. The NLP believes such a sudden, steep decrease is not optimal, and that the government should instead gradually lower the amount in phases. Ms. Munksoyol also noted that the NLP welcomes any ideas from the BCM regarding policy directions the government should take.

More information from the Monthly Meeting can be found from the links below:

1. Editor's full notes (English)
2. COVID-19 Singapore Measures (Mongolian) - Ambassador Lkhagvajav Tumur
3. K-Quarantine (English) - Prof. Choo Yonh Shik


Монголын Бизнесийн Зөвлөл (МБЗ)-ийн Бүх гишүүдийн сарын уулзалт нь 2021 оны 1-р сарын 28-ны өдөр онлайнаар зохион байгуулагдсан бөгөөд МБЗ-ийн Удирдах зөвлөлийн дарга  Ц.Түмэнцогт уг хурлыг удирдаж 85 орчим хүний бүрэлдэхүүнтэй зохион байгуулав.


“COVID-19 цар тахлын үеийн Монгол улсын эдийн засаг: 2021 оны төлөв байдал, Засгийн газрын үйл ажиллагаа, гишүүдийн санаа зовнил ба цаашдын арга зам” сэдвээр зохион байгуулагдав.

2020 он дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт хүнд хэцүү жил байсан бөгөөд Монгол улс ч мөн адил байлаа. Монгол улсын эдийн засаг 2020 оны эхний гурван улиралд 7.3 хувиар буурч, төсвийн алдагдал өсөв. У.Хүрэлсүхийн тэргүүлсэн Засгийн газар мөн саяхан огцорч, У.Хүрэлсүхийн Засгийн газрын Хэрэг эрхлэх газрын нарийн бичгийн дарга Л.Оюун-Эрдэнийг Монгол Улсын 32 дахь Ерөнхий сайдаар томилов.

Энэхүү сар тутмын уулзалтад КОВИД -ийн цар тахлыг бусад улс орнууд хэрхэн шийдвэрлэж, эдийн засгийн талаар тус тусын засгийн газруудаас авч хэрэгжүүлж буй арга хэмжээний талаар илтгэгчид мэдээлэл өгч оролцов.

Нэгдүгээрт, МБЗ-ийн дэд дарга, Худалдаа хөгжлийн банкны гүйцэтгэх дэд дарга ноён Рандолф Коппа бидэнд Швед улсын нөхцөл байдлын талаар товч танилцуулга хийв. Ноён Коппа өнгөрсөн оны 3-р сард гадаадад аялж байсан, хилийн боомт хаалттай байгаа тул Монголд ирэх боломжгүй байгаа юм.

Швед улс нь зөвхөн хэсэгчилсэн хөл хорио тогтоож байсан бөгөөд хэзээ ч бүрэн хөл хорио тогтоож байсангүй. Иргэд олон нийтийн цуглаан, уулзалтаас зайлсхийж хол байцгаав. Швед улсын нийт хүн амын 45 хувь нь ганцаараа амьрдаг бөгөөд энэ нь цар тахлын үед давуу тал болсон. 

Швед улс нь татварын өндөр хувь хэмжээ, нийгмийн хамгааллын сүлжээ өндөртэй улс гэдгээрээ алдартай тул Засгийн газар нь КОВИД -ийн улмаас уналтанд орсон эдийн засгаа сэргээхийн тулд хэд хэдэн эдийн засгийн арга хэмжээ авсан нь гайхах зүйл биш юм. Ажлаас халагдсан ажилчдын цалингийн 70 хувьд төрөөс санхүүжилт авах, ЖДҮ-ийн тэг хувийн хүүтэй зээл, экспортыг дэмжих хөнгөлөлттэй зээл, нийгмийн даатгалд хөнгөлөлт үзүүлэх зэрэг саналуудыг дэвшүүлжээ.

Ноён Коппа хэлэхдээ Монгол улсын тухайд гадаадын шууд хөрөнгө оруулалт, гадаадын санхүүжилт маш чухал бөгөөд зээлийн хүү бага байгаа тул нөхцөл байдал таатай байгааг тэмдэглэв. Үүнээс гадна ногоон эрчим хүч гэх мэт шинэ төрлийн ажлын байрыг бий болгох төслүүдийг дэмжиж бүрмөсөн алдагдсан ажлын байруудыг нөхөх хэрэгтэй гэв.

Хоёр дахь илтгэгч болох Монгол Улсаас Сингапур улсад суугаа Элчин сайд ноён Т.Лхагвадорж нь Сингапур улс хөл хорионы үеэр аливаа зүйлийг хэрхэн зохицуулж байсан талаар ярилаа. Аялал жуулчлал нь Сингапурын эдийн засгийн тулгуур салбаруудын нэг бөгөөд -ээс өмнө жилд 18 сая орчим жуулчин хүлээн авдаг буюу өдөрт 40-50 мянган жуулчин ирдэг байв. Засгийн газраас КОВИД -ийн улмаас ажилгүй болсон хүмүүсийг бусад салбарт шилжихэд нь туслах замаар тэднийг сургалтанд хамруулах хөтөлбөр хэрэгжүүлсэн. Жишээлбэл, агаарын тээврийн ажилтнууд эмнэлгийн салбарт шилжих боломжтой болсон.

Сингапурын засгийн газар ДНБ-ийн 12 орчим хувьтай тэнцэх хэмжээний эдийн засгийн хөшүүргийг багцлан баталжээ. Засгийн газраас ажлаас халагдсан ажилчдын цалингийн 25-75 хувийг олгохоор төлөвлөж байна. Зээлийн үндсэн төлбөрийг хойшлуулж, айл өрхөд нийтийн үйлчилгээний зээл олгожээ. Монгол улс эдгээрүүдтэй төстэй арга хэмжээ авсан тул танил сонсогдож байж болох юм. 2020 оны 4-р улирлын байдлаар эдийн засаг 3.8 орчим хувиар буурсан боловч ДНБ 2021 онд 4-6 хувийн өсөлттэй тэнцэх төлөвтэй байна.

Гурав дахь илтгэгч нь БНСУ-ын Сөүл хотын Чун Ангийн их сургуулийн дэд профессор ноён Чү Ён Шик байв. Солонгост 2, 8, 11-р сард гурван удаа КОВИД давалгаа болсон бөгөөд эхний хоёр давалгааны үеэр байдал харьцангуй тодорхой байсан боловч гурав дахь давалгааны гарал үүсэл нь тодорхойгүй байгаа нь түгшүүр төрүүлж байна. Засгийн газраас үзлэг туршилтын байгууламжийг байгуулж, улс даяар 180 байгууламжтай болжээ.

2020 онд Солонгос улсын ДНБ-ний хэмжээ 1.1 хувиар буурна гэж таамаглаж байгаа бөгөөд 2021 оны өсөлтийн урьдчилсан тооцоо 3 орчим хувь байна. Иргэдэд халамж үзүүлэхээр нийт 67 тэрбум ам.долларын санхүүжилтийг батлав. Засгийн газар дэд бүтэц, өндөр технологийн үйлдвэрүүд, ЖДҮ-ийг дэмжихэд хөрөнгө оруулалт хийхээр "K-New Deal" хөтөлбөр зарлалаа. Засгийн газар улсын төсвөөс 560 тэрбум орчим доллар зарцуулахаар төлөвлөж байгаа бөгөөд 60 хувийг 2021 оны эхний хагаст хуваарилжээ. Зарим эдийн засагчид энэ асуудалд нэлээд санаа зовж байгаа талаар тэмдэглэв. 

УИХ-ын гишүүн ноён Т.Доржханд хамгийн сүүлийн илтгэгч байх байсан ч эцсийн мөчид парламентын яаралтай асуудалд дуудагдсан бөгөөд түүний оронд хатагтай Б.Мөнхсоёл үг хэлэв. Т.Доржханд нь Үндэсний Хөдөлмөрийн нам (ҮХН)-аас сонгогдсон УИХ-ийн гишүүн юм. ҮХН-аас нөхцөл байдалтай холбогдуулан Засгийн газарт зарим зөвлөмж хүргүүлжээ. Монголбанк 2020 онд бодлогын хүүг бууруулж, хүүхдийн мөнгийг сар бүр нэг хүүхдэд 100,000 төгрөг болгон нэмэгдүүлэх ажлыг эхлүүлсэн. Хүүхдийн мөнгийг 7-р сар хүртэл олгох бөгөөд энэ үед сар бүр 20,000 төгрөг болгон бууруулна. Гэнэтийн огцом бууралт нь тийм ч оновчтой биш тул Засгийн газар мөнгөний хэмжээг үе шаттайгаар бууруулах хэрэгтэй гэж үзэж байна. Хатагтай Б.Мөнхсоёл нь ҮХН нь төрөөс баримтлах бодлогын чиглэлтэй холбоотой МБЗ-өөс гаргасан аливаа санааг талархан хүлээж авч байгааг тэмдэглэв.

МБЗ-ийн 2021 оны 1-р сарын Бүх гишүүдийн уулзалтын талаарх нэмэлт мэдээллийг доорх линкээс харах боломжтой.

1. Редакторын бүрэн тэмдэглэл (Англи хэл дээр)
2. Сингапур улс КОВИД-19 цар тахлын эсрэг авч буй арга хэмжээ (Монгол хэл дээр) - Элчин сайд Т.Лхагважав 
3. K-Quarantine (Англи хэл дээр) – Профессор Чү Ён Шик 
BCM 2020-Annual Report

BCM 2020-Annual Report


17th Discover Mongolia-2019 conference co-organized by the BCM

17th Discover Mongolia-2019 conference co-organized by the BCM


Discover Mongolia 2019: Minerals & Mining Business Summit was co-organized by the Ministry of Mining & Heavy Industry (“MMHI”), the Business Council of Mongolia (“BCM”), and the Mongolian National Mining Association (“MNMA”) and held over the 26th September to 28th September 2019. These are the key events and their focus:

1. September 26 (Morning) – Investor’s Tour

Sponsors of and speakers at Discover Mongolia, collaborative partners of the IAP, and select persons by the Chairman (in total 29 people) “toured” the city to have meetings with key figureheads from the MMHI, the Responsible Mining lobby group in the Parliament, and the Bank of Mongolia

  • MMHI – E. Batbold (Director of Strategy and Policy Planning) & Mr. M. Dagva (Advisor to the Minister)
  • Parliament – A. Undraa (MP and Chairwoman of the Responsible Mining lobby group)
  • Bank of Mongolia – B. Bayardavaa. (Director General of Monetary Policy)

 2. September 26 (Afternoon) – IAP Meeting #2: Minister’s Workshop

  • Invited IAP panelists and collaborative partners of the IAP attended a closed-door (Chatham House rules) workshop in the afternoon, 38 were in attendance.
    • The following presentations were made:
      • A shortened version of the “Case for Change” by the Chairman
      • “Overview of the International Exploration and Mining Sector” by Richard Schodde, MinEx Consulting Pty Ltd
      • Issues associated with the current legislations by D.Tsogbaatar former Minister of Mining
        • A supplementary presentation on “Necessary reforms to the regulatory system for natural resources in Mongolia”
      • Remarks on AMEP-2 by Australian Ambassador, Dave Vosen
    • Discussions with attendees followed the presentations addressing:
      • Oil & Gas sector
      • Geological prospectivity
      • Status of the exploration sector and licensing system
      • Status of the tax regime impacting the sector
      • Proposed constitutional amendments
      • Social licensing (both local and state level)
    • A survey was held with the questions based on slide 2 of the three-slide “snakes and ladders” deck on the resource investor’s thought model prior to making an investment in any jurisdiction.
      • Survey respondents across all organization groupings generally rated Mongolia’s competitiveness and attractiveness for resource sector investment to be poor

3. September 27 – 17th Annual Discover Mongolia Forum (2019).

  • It is estimated that 500 were in attendance
  • Four panels were held with topics on:
    • Why invest in Mongolia’s resource sector?
    • Accessing growth with high-valuation upsides
    • Accessing growth with high-valuation upsides: Energy
    • Supporting Mongolia’s development

4. September 28 – Site visit to Oyu Tolgoi

Demonstrated the immense contributions that can be made by supporting tier-1 resource projects and that they are responsibly operated.


The investors tour gave the opportunity to have a deeper insight into the latest policy developments and macroeconomic statistics for those that were identified in providing for or aiding in foreign investment to Mongolia’s resource sector.

A. MMHI – Mr. E. Batbold, Director of Strategy and Policy Planning & Mr. M. Dagva, Advisor to the Minister

Mr. Batbold presented the current issues facing the MMHI and his recommendations. These are: 



Artisanal mining – negatively impact the mining sector’s reputation since their operations do not adhere to regulations

-   Outlaw all forms of artisanal mining (except for operations that adhere to Resolution 151)

Public awareness – lack of respect or understanding of mining and its contributions to the GDP

-   Public education efforts by establishing a training and research organization under the MMHI (with a focus on rural areas)

Shrinking land under exploration licenses – exploration is decreasing

-   500 amendments submitted in August to simplify the mining law (on Mining and Explosives, Concentrate, Registration of Oils, and Supply of Water Infrastructure)

-   Increase geological exploration expenditure from 13.1B MNT to 24.6 B MNT

Mr. Batbold additionally discussed several ongoing projects in various stages: 

  1. ETT IPO Project (will be used to fund water supply and infrastructure + railway to Sainshand)
  2. Gold and copper smelter/refinery
  3. Development of the Asgat Silver Deposit
  4. Rare Earth Element geological service
  5. EITI Changes
  6. Oil refinery
  7. OT Parliamentary Session

Mr. Dagva added on to the discussion with a focus on state owned enterprises, privatization, and politicization. He also touched upon increasing FDI and attracting investors – key problems that the IAP are also trying to address. Additionally, the MMHI are seeking the assistance of CODELCO to learn cases of good and bad governance, with the aim to prevent outcomes of the latter.

Mr. Dagva’s ending remarks were on ETT and three benefits that would be raised from its IPO: (1) raise money like OT/and provide tech services to Mongolia; (2) support infrastructure projects in Southern Gobi; (3) Other SOEs will following this good example.

B. Parliament – Dr. A. Undraa (MP)

Dr. A. Undraa discussed the current status of the constitutional amendment, the OT evaluation working group, public perception.



Constitutional Amendments

-   Impose new limitations on the parliamentary branch

-   Strengthen the executive branch

-   Change how judges are appointed in the judiciary branch

-   Movements to dissolve the parliament prior to next year’s elections

-   Amendments to the mining sector ≠ nationalization, but tier 1 projects are being targeted by the new populist revisions to the constitution

OT Parliamentary working group

-   The report has been submitted to the speaker and is now being reviewed by the Economics Standing Committee who will submit a resolution to the Parliament

-   But the review is being delayed due to constitutional amendments and upcoming budgetary discussions

Public perceptions

-   Mongolia’s low population means news will have a greater impact on the agenda and public perceptions

-   Successful mid-size and smaller projects have given the public a favorable view towards mining

 C.Bank of Mongolia – Mr. B. Bayardavaa

Mr. Bayardavaa made a presentation titled “Mongolian Economy: Policy and Challenges”. He described the current macroeconomic status of Mongolia – crucial pieces of information on determining the probability of any project to generate a return. Currently, the economy is recovering from the crises that occurred in 2016-2017. There is a challenge in that this recovery must be maintained – medium term outcomes regarding debt are dependent on the profitability of Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi. 


Discover Mongolia was held to re-establish Mongolia’s economic potential by increasing its competitiveness and attractiveness to the global investor, in line with the goals of the IAP. To achieve this objective, the forum this year held panel sessions that would directly address it.

Additionally, to further drive into audience members that Mongolia is still competitive and attractive, the chair of each panel curated questions that would drive discussions on those two topics. This is detailed below:




Why invest in Mongolia’s resource sector?

Cameron McRae (Chair)

Gankhuu P.

Armando Torres

Nandinjargal G.

Tsogtbayar T.


How had will you actually drive your businesses to make your businesses truly world class?

(To Nandinjargal): What is the Ministry doing or thinking at the moment to rejuvenate the exploration pipeline?

(To Armando Torres): What will the underground bring to Mongolia, not just to OT, but to the country in intangible terms? Will social benefits increase with the underground mine?

(To Gankhuu): With the number of projects you have on the table, what is the overarching approach to raising capital?

(To Tsogtbayar): What is the thinking for an integrated approach for prioritizing projects?

Accessing growth with high-valuation upsides

Bilguun A. (Chair)

Sam Spring

David Paull

Peter Akerley

Munkhbat T.


(To Peter Akerley): Can we briefly go over what you had to go through to discover the project you’re working on right now?

(To Munkhbat): Mr. Munkhbat can you talk about the discovery of OT?

(To David Paull): David can you go over the discovery of Ovoot and timing?

(To Sam Spring): What does it mean for international investors to look at the Gobi region and its investment potential?

(To David Paull) What makes Mongolia unique geologically?

(To Peter Akerley)In terms of exploration, how well is Mongolia actually explored?

(To Sam Spring): Sam you have done research on the landscape of exploration licenses in Mongolia? Can you give us some insight on how many licenses there are and how are going to expire over the next few years?

(To all): In one sentence, what would be a key event to attract investors back to Mongolia?

(To Sam Spring): A new significant discovery

(To everybody): Opening up of the exploration licensing system again in a globally competitive manner.

Accessing growth with high-valuation upsides: Energy

Byambasaikhan B. (Chair)

Craig Lang

Neil Young

Munkhjargal O.

(To Craig Lang): Craig you mentioned that the copper market is going to deficit in 4 years’ time. How do you see companies such as those who presented today resolving funding to plug that deficit?

(To Neil Young): Neil, how do you plan to raise funding for future exploration with CBM as a new field in Mongolia?

(To Munkhjargal): So you have a new project like Neil’s in CBM. Do you think these new fields will be able to secure financing?

Supporting Mongolia’s development

Gankhuu P. (Chair)

Cameron McRae

Byambasaikhan B.

Kirsten Livermore

Jean Pascal Nganou

(To Byambasaikhan): Byambasaikhan, should we be focusing on our own projects and seeking to make them successful in their own rite? Or should we wait for geopolitics to play out?

(To Jean Pascal Nganou): Jean, with mining being a pillar of the economy, can it afford to turn its back on mining?

(To Cameron McRae): Cameron, we at Erdenes Mongol have very big ambitions to develop major projects. You yourself have developed such projects. What are the factors we must focus on to ensure success?

(To Kristen Livermore): Kirsten, you mentioned how politics is local and brief, while mining is global and long-term. How long did it take in Australia to improve the perceptions of the public?


After the conference, a reception was held at New York and London Room, Shangri-La Hotel Ulaanbaatar. 


Sponsors and speakers were invited to visit Oyu Tolgoi and their operations. The goal for the site visit is to address Work Group 1, “Facilitate greater support for large projects”. The site visit was held in both Mongolian and English. Prior to entering the site, participants had to attend a mandatory safety induction, demonstrating the fact that tier 1 operations had workplace safety as their number one priority. Afterwards, the following areas were visited (in chronological order):

  • Museum: Participants learned the history of OT, current reserve estimations, and models of the ore body. This section of the tour was headed by the OT’s head geologist.
  • Core warehouse: Up to 800m of historical drill core samples were shown.
  • South Oyu open pit: Participants were ushered to a lookout point to have a bird’s eye view of the operations currently ongoing.
  • Mazaalai mess hall: Lunch was served in this clean and modern facility.
  • Hazard park: A state-of-the art facility showing various hazard scenarios and how they can be mitigated with following proper regulations and using the right PPE. At the tailend, demonstrations were held with audience participation.
  • Chandmani facility: Participants were taken by Ward Anderson (Underground Surface Construction Manager) to the recently finished building housing the entrance/exit of the underground, and control room for Phase 2. As of the visit, it was undergoing a soft start, moving ~50 people from the old building to the new per week.
  • Bagging facility: The site visit to the bagging facility once it resumed from its planned shutdown for maintenance.

 -- oOo--




December Monthly Meeting Recap in cooperation with IFC

December Monthly Meeting Recap in cooperation with IFC

The Business Council of Mongolia’s (BCM) Monthly Meeting was held online on 3 December 2020 using the Zoom platform, with Chairman Ts.Tumentsogt hosting for an audience of around 80 people.

Since the first cases of community transmission in November, Mongolia entered a strict lockdown, which was extended until December 10th.

The theme of the December Monthly Meeting was “Trade Facilitation and Investor Protection.”

World Bank Country Manager for Mongolia Mr. Andrei Mikhnev started off the meeting by introducing the recent projects conducted by the IFC.

One such project is the Mongolia Trade Information Portal (MTIP), which is set to go live on December 11. MTIP Team Leader Mr. Paul Schmidt from Nathan, Inc. elaborated more on this project. The portal provides all information required by the government, ministries, agencies, and regulators for cross-border trade. It features almost 400 legal documents, measures, and procedures that are especially useful for people and organizations seeking to engage in export or import. After its launch on December 11, the Mongolian Customs General Agency will be responsible for its maintenance and upkeep. 

Next up we had Ms. Dugeree Jigjidmaa, Senior Private Sector Specialist at the IFC, and she explained the aspects and conclusions of the Mongolia Time Release Study. The purpose of the study was to determine how long it takes for a good to arrive at its final destination once it crosses into Mongolia at the border, or conversely, how long it takes for an export item to cross out of Mongolia after beginning its journey. It also provides conclusions on areas of deficiency when it comes to logistics, customs, and border inspection. Presentations in both English and Mongolian are provided below.

Last but not least, we had Mr. Natsagdorj Dashdemberel, Head of the Investment Policy and Coordination Department of the National Development Agency, who introduced us to Mongolia’s Systemic Investor Response Mechanism (SIRM). SIRM is a platform for more efficient dispute resolution and investor protection. It is a comprehensive system that brings together a complainant, the related office, relevant organization, the organization with decisive rights and function, and the Investor Protection Council (IPC). It aims to resolve issues before they turn into disputes that may need to be decided by a court or arbitration. Complainants will receive a reply with 30 days. Visit ipc.gov.mn to check out the system.

More information on the topics discussed can be found in the Editor’s full notes from the meeting, as well as the presentations linked below:

1. MTIP project - Nathan Inc.
2. Mongolia time release study - 2019 in English
3. Mongolia time release study - 2019 in Mongolian
4. SIRM IT system - N.Dashdemberel
5. Editor’s full notes


Монголын Бизнесийн Зөвлөл (МБЗ)-ийн Бүх гишүүдийн сарын уулзалт нь 2020 оны 12-р сарын 3-ны өдөр Zoom платформыг ашиглан онлайнаар зохион байгуулагдсан бөгөөд Удирдах зөвлөлийн дарга Ц.Түмэнцогт удирдан 80 орчим гишүүдийн бүрэлдэхүүнтэй зохион байгуулагдав.

11-р сард олон нийтийн дунд анхны халдвар гарсан тохиолдлоос хойш олон нийт хатуу хорио цээрийн дэглэмд орж, 12-р сарын 10 хүртэл хорио цээрийг сунгаад байна.
11-р сарын уулзалтын сэдэв нь “Худалдааг хөнгөвчлөх, хөрөнгө оруулагчдын эрхийг хамгаалах” байв.

Дэлхийн Банкны Монгол дахь суурин төлөөлөгч ноён Андрей Михнев ОУСК-ийн сүүлийн үед хэрэгжүүлж буй төслүүдийн талаар танилцуулж уулзалтыг эхлүүлэв.
Ийм төслүүдийн нэг бол Монголын худалдааны цахим мэдээллийн сан (МХЦМС) бөгөөд 12-р сарын 11-нд шууд дамжуулагдах гэж байна. МХЦМС-ийн багийн ахлагч Натан, Инк компанийн ажилтан ноён Пол Шмидт энэ төслийн талаар илүү дэлгэрэнгүй тайлбарлав. Энэхүү цахим сан нь Засгийн газар, яамд, агентлагууд, зохицуулагч байгууллагуудаас хил дамнасан худалдаанд шаардагдах бүх мэдээллийг агуулна. Экспортлох, импортлохыг зорьж буй хүмүүс, байгууллагуудад нэн хэрэгтэй 400 шахам хууль эрх зүйн баримт бичиг, арга хэмжээ, журмыг багтаасан болно. 12-р сарын 11-нд ашиглалтад орсны дараа мэдээллийн санг Монголын Гаалийн Ерөнхий газар хариуцах болно.

Үүний дараа ОУСК-ийн хувийн хэвшлийн ахлах мэргэжилтэн, хатагтай Д.Жигжидмаа нь худалдааг хөнгөвчлөх хэлэлцээр-цаг хугацааны судалгааны ажлын дүгнэлтийг тайлбарлав. Судалгааны зорилго нь хилээр Монгол руу нэвтрэн орсны дараа бараагаа эцсийн цэг дээр хүрэхэд хэр удаан хугацаа шаардагдах, эсвэл эсрэгээрээ экспортын бараа ачигдсаны дараа Монголоос гадагш гарахад хэр хугацаа шаардагдахыг тодорхойлох явдал байв. Мөн ложистик, гааль, хилийн хяналт шалгалтын үеийн дутагдалтай талуудын талаар дүгнэлт гаргасан байна. Монгол, англи хэл дээрх илтгэлүүдийг дор хавсаргав.

Эцэст нь Үндэсний хөгжлийн газрын Хөрөнгө оруулалтын бодлого, зохицуулалтын газрын дарга Н.Дашдэмбэрэл нь Хөрөнгө оруулагчийн гомдол шийдвэрлэх механизм цахим системийг (SIRM) -ийг танилцуулав. SIRM нь маргааныг илүү үр дүнтэй шийдвэрлэх, хөрөнгө оруулагчдыг хамгаалах платформ юм. Энэ бол гомдол гаргагч, холбогдох газар, холбогдох байгууллага, шийдвэрлэх эрх, чиг үүрэг бүхий байгууллага, Хөрөнгө оруулагчдын эрх ашгийг хамгаалах зөвлөл (IPC) -ийг нэгтгэсэн цогц систем юм. Энэ нь шүүх эсвэл арбитрын шийдвэрлэж болзошгүй маргаан болж хувирахаас өмнө асуудлыг шийдвэрлэхэд чиглэгддэг. Гомдол гаргагчдад 30 хоногийн хугацаатай хариу өгөх болно. Ipc.gov.mn хаягаар зочилж дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл авна уу.

Хэлэлцсэн сэдвүүдийн талаархи дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг уулзалтын бүрэн тэмдэглэл мөн доор доорх танилцуулгаас авах боломжтой.

1. MTIP project - Nathan Inc.
2. Mongolia time release study - 2019 in English
3. Mongolia time release study - 2019 in Mongolian
4. SIRM IT system - N.Dashdemberel
5. Editor’s full notes
BCM 2019 June Digital Enterprice Recap

BCM 2019 June Digital Enterprice Recap

Table of Contents

  • Opening remarks
    • Tatsuya Hamada, CEO of MobiCom and BCM Board Member
    • A.Undraa, MP, Chair of the Sustainable Development Goals Subcommittee
    • Jon Lyons, Vice President of Erdene Resource Development Corp. and BCM Board Member
  • Digital Transformation in Mongolia
    • Digital Transformation in Government
    • New Era of AI
    • Digital Literacy in Mongolia
    • Panel Discussion
    • Future of the Internet
    • Customer Service
  • Next Generation Cybersecurity
    • Game Changer for Technology
    • Evolved: How We Can Deal with Next Generation Attacks
    • FireEye: Overview
    • Security in the IoT Era: Device Visibility and Control
  • Data Analytics and Cloud Computing
    • Go Digital: ICT Accelerating the Digital Economy
    • Driving the Enterprise Digital Transformation
    • Machine Data Insights into the AI World


On June 18, 2019, MobiCom and the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) jointly organized the “Digital Enterprise 2019” conference at the Shangri-La Hotel. Mr. Tatsuya Hamada, Chairman and CEO of Mobicom and Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the BCM, delivered the opening speech of the conference. He is also the Chair of the BCM’s Growth and Innovation Working Group.

Remarks by Tatsuya Hamada


Mr. Hamada, with the sum of human knowledge in the palm of his hand

MobiCom’s entire business is placing heavy emphasis on digital transformation (DX), with entire units and many executives, including Mr. Hamada, involved.

Today, there is no government or enterprise that is not interested in digital transformation. In public service and business operations around the world, it is now the norm. DX, which could be said began with the computer, is no longer in the conceptual stage; today it is in the implementation stage. Given the pace of technological advancement, the pace of innovation and DX has grown exponentially. Acronyms such as AI, VR, IoT, and AR – artificial intelligence, virtual reality, internet of things, and augmented reality – are common parlance today.

3 important elements of DX:

  1. Unification and improvement of customer experience.
  2. Fundamental review and restructuring of existing business models.
  3. Creation and establishment of new business

Society, the economy, and businesses are changing before our eyes. DX is not just a project; it is more like an entire cultural shift, a transition into a different paradigm. Today and more so in the future, it will become an essential driver of success. In the public sphere, e-government initiatives around the world have taken hold, including in Mongolia.

Remarks by A.Undraa, Member of Parliament

Ms. Undraa Agvaanluvsan is an MP who is the Chair of the Sustainable Development Goals Subcommittee.

One of the current major debates in politics right now is the process of constitutional amendments. In addition to improving enhancement of democracy, human rights, and justice, the constitutional amendments also address economic issues such as economic freedom, economic development, and the business environment. The digital sphere is a key part of that development, noted Ms. Undraa.

Mongolians are a uniquely adaptive people. Traditionally, this was a necessity due to the climate and nomadic culture. However, this also has enabled Mongolians to become quick learners, and a people who adapt rapidly, whether that be to a climate or to technological progress. For example, Facebook usage in Mongolia is the highest per-capita in Asia. Despite a population of around 3 million people, registered personal phone numbers exceed that number, meaning that on average one person carries at least one mobile number, and many people carry more than one. Society is connected through many networks and connections.

Corruption is a major problem in Mongolia. E-government initiatives will be a major aspect of combatting corruption, noted Ms. Undraa.

Introduction to the BCM by Jon Lyons, BCM Board Member and Vice President of Erdene Resource Development Corp.

Mr. Lyons explaining the great work we do at the BCM

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Mr. Lyons chose to deliver his presentation on behalf of the BCM in Mongolian, to the delight of Mongolian attendees. He briefly introduced the BCM and its vision and mission to attendees. As the Vice Chair of the BCM’s Growth and Innovation Working Group, he works closely with Mr. Hamada.

An important idea he mentioned was the idea of “increasing the size of the pie.” Everyone and every sector has its own specific interests; however, working together to create an improved business environment benefits all the players. 


The first session of the conference saw presenters speak on digital transformation in government, the new era of AI, and digital literacy in Mongolia.

Digital Transformation in government

Presentation not available to the public

Mr. B.Batjargal, Vice Director of the Mongolian National Data Center, gave a presentation of what kinds of activities have been happening when it comes to digital transformation in government.

The government is striving to improve public services for citizens and businesses. At the one-stop service center of UB, about half of services delivered concern capital city registration.

Another initiative that people may be familiar with is the ATM-like document procurement machines seen around major city hubs, such as the central post office. Here citizens can get birth certificates, various forms of ID, etc. without going to an office.

A comprehensive transition requires infrastructure first and foremost. Then you need the digital ecosystem. Third, there is the question of information security.
The National Data Center was established in 2009 by the government. In 2019, a Disaster Recovery Center subdivision was established.

Regarding the regulatory environment, three key policies are in place. 

Before the current base system, there was no unified standard for exchange of information, and government bodies would exchange information freely in whatever form or method they desired.

Regarding cybercrime, Mr. Batjargal stated that we are currently in the 5th generation of cybercrime, the “mega” era. There have been several occasions where government organizations, the military, and even Khaan Quest proponents were hacked. Out of 183 million daily requests for information exchange, about 3 million are malicious.

New Era of AI

Presentation not available to the public

Gabit Bazar is the Founder and Chairman of Infinite Solutions LLC, an IT solution provider and investment venture with a focus in fintech, and enterprise software solutions. He has launched successful startups in Silicon Valley, Denver, and New York. He also co-founded Nest High School, a new school with a special curriculum in IT and tech.

Perhaps the breakthrough moment and the real beginning of AI was the IBM-created AI Deep Blue beating chess grandmaster Gary Kasparov in a game of chess.
“Deep learning” seeks to emulate the neural connections of a brain, in that it can process data and “learn” from that data, altering its own decision-making algorithms to be better or more accurate or more befitting of a situation in the future.

There are a couple limitations to AI: massive amounts of data, super computer power, top AI scientists, and singular defined domain.

In July 2016, the Google Home’s speech recognition error rate was 8.5% percent. In less than one year, in May 2017, this rate had fallen to 4.9%. Megvii Technology’s Face++ application used in China can recognize 3 million faces in one second. In 2012, self-driving cars made 1 error per second. In 2017, they had an average error rate of 1 error per year.

Some threats presented by AI include job replacements and the question of whether a fair, shared economy can be realized. AI will replace the majority of workers in entire industries. Mechanical, repetitive, and physical jobs are more at risk than creative professions.

Even jobs that require a human touch, such as teachers and doctors, will work in conjunction with AI. Research that takes months may be conducted nearly instantaneously.

What does Mongolia need to do? Update its educational system. Collaborate: don’t hog data. Learn from the best.

In the past, the goal of education was getting good grades, to get a good job, and start a family, etc. Today, we must emphasize skill sets over grades, spend quality time, and work with time.

It’s not about regurgitating texts and formulas, but solving complex issues that require interrelated skill sets and personal attributes: “learn how to learn.” It’s not about just having a good job, but working with passion. It’s not just about starting a family, but spending quality time with them.

Digital Literacy in Mongolia

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Ms. A.Byambajargal is the Founder of the Faro Foundation Mongolia, and is an advocate for public education on digital literacy in Mongolia.

Digital literacy means the ability of an individual to find, evaluate, and compose clear information through writing and other mediums on various digital platforms. This includes communicating, handling info and content, transacting, problem solving, and being safe and lawful online. Facebook is by far the most widely-used social media platform in Mongolia. Faro also works in partnership with Facebook to improve digital literacy.

It is safe to say people born after 2000 are digital natives. The older generations are the ones who have more problems concerning digital literacy, the “digital immigrants.”

Byambajargal initiated a Digital Literacy Library in Mongolia, which seeks to educate individuals on things such as privacy, security, critical thinking and evaluation, functional skills, and other aspects of good online practices. It also includes “profile exploration” of a person’s online presence, analyzing how aligned one’s online persona is in line with their real-life persona. The program includes curricula designed for teachers, students, and parents.

It’s going to take 10 years for digital literacy to be fully implemented in the education sector, so must start thinking about that long-term today.

Panel Discussion

The three presenters were then invited back on stage for a panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Munkhzorig, the Head of MobiCom’s IT Division.

Question for Batjargal: What role does the private sector play in digital development in relation to government?

There are many public-private partnership initiatives going on. The government is cooperating with business to create better platforms for their sectors. One such example is with the 4 major telecom operators. There are two good systems in place right now that we mentioned earlier. As for the future, who knows what might come.

Question for Gabit: You mentioned that big companies such as Google and IBM have sometimes stopped requiring college degrees. Your Nest High School will specialize in IT. Does that mean they will graduate high school and go right into work in IT?

Gabit: High school in Mongolia means 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. What we’re going to do is introduce a fourth year of high school. That year is purposed for training. Our goal is not just to prepare them for a job, but to give them choices: the choices one needs to make to find oneself, to strive to do what they desire, to try work and see if they like it or not.
Don’t think of the school as purely an IT school. IT and AI will explode in the next decade, but that doesn’t mean everyone and everything will be working as IT engineers. We will still have doctors, lawyers, and teachers. However, those jobs will be different from today. That is what we aim to prepare students for.

Question for Byambajargal: Where does Mongolia rank in terms of digital literacy?

Byambajargal: Digital literacy itself is not something that has been around for very long. The program we teach is taught in only 58 countries. Some digital literacy leaders include Canada, Finland, and Australia. Our work with Facebook has also not been going on for very long. We are one of the newest enrollees; however, we are learning and progressing very rapidly compared to how new we are. Mongolia has not been ranked in terms of digital literacy, but we will be within 5 years. Our digital literacy program is recognized for best practice for Asia. It is very different teaching digital literacy to 40 year olds compared to teens and 20-something individuals.

Question for Batjargal: What is going to be the government’s role in updating the educational system to improve digital literacy?

Batjargal: This is a bit outside of my area of expertise, as it concerns something more related to national-level policy at the Ministry of Education I would assume. What I can say is that we learn fast. As far infrastructure development, we are a large territory, but I still think we can progress rapidly.

Question for Gabit: You have been working at Infinite Solutions for over a decade. What difference do you see today compared to a decade ago?

Gabit: Back then, something people really simply did not accept was the price of software. You see all the counterfeit Windows used in computers in Mongolia. That’s why we geared our business more for the US. I believe this has improved. The government’s “Khur” system is a brilliant creation that makes life easier for a lot of people. Back in the day, we used to have this mentality of “we’ll do it our own way.” Today, we are seeing that we can’t do everything that way, which is a good development.

Question from Mergen from the audience: How should we reach more people? We are quite behind in the IT world. How can we accelerate the process of educating youth?

Gabit: The reason why we established Nest High School is related to a point made earlier, that only 2.8% of high school graduates choose IT majors. Back in the day and still to this day, kids dream of graduating and entering top global companies. We want to train those future engineers, but not to prepare them to go abroad to work for Apple, Google, Baidu, Tencent, or whatever. Sure, we encourage them to go work with them for a few years. But what we really want is to bring them here. We want to partner with American and Chinese major companies, to bring their experiences and business here.

Byambajargal: Facebook is interested in Mongolia. They say they want to open an office here. However, one thing that is clearly lacking in Mongolia is English-language skills. Compared to China, Mongolia is ages behind. We have to prepare the coming generations in language and IT in order for them to achieve success in the global environment. Mongolians also lack teamwork skills. There is a cultural difference. The younger generations are getting better at this. I just want to reiterate that we must emphasize the education sector.

Future of the Internet

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Mr. Ts.Idermunkh is the CEO of MobiNet, a subsidiary of MobiCom. He has 15 years of managerial experience in the telecom and service industry.

The total ISP contracted bandwidth is 68 Gbps. Of the 300,000 ISP users, 70% use speeds of 2-5 Mbps. Mongolian internet penetration was at 65% in 2018. Internet speeds are lower than the global average. Speeds to foreign connections are even slower, ranked 161st in the world.

By 2022, 80% of all global traffic will be video, up from 70% in 2017. 60% of the world will be using internet, up from 45% in 2017, and the number of connected devices per person will rise to 3.6, up from 2.4 in 2017. High definition and ultra-high definition video usage is increasing, whereas as standard definition has remained steady for the past several years.

Furthermore, cloud services and storage is rapidly rising, behind only YouTube and Facebook.

The future of the internet will bring more internet cache systems (CDN), more cloud computing, more reliable and stable internet peering. Advancements in security should also arrive. Faster speeds is a given. The key is good support and service.

Customer Service

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Ms. Bayarmaa is the MobiCom’s Chief Experience Officer.

MobiCom’s customer support center received 37,000 contacts daily. 98% of contacts are through the phone, but customer inquiries through social has been increasing lately, at 2% currently. The company was the first to establish a dedicated call center, and also serves as outsourcing to major domestic companies based on its model. In 2011, it began implementing 25 KPIs. It also introduced designated call distribution, relaying a customer’s call to a specific agent based on the needs of the customer and abilities of the operator.

On top of simply answering questions from customers, operators also listen to customers and relay messages to management.

Their customer care center features a smart greeting (based on time of day), smart routing (depending on postpaid, enterprise, prepaid, etc.), and a different IVR leading to a different customer care agent.

To handle the millions of calls it received annually, they calls must be forecasted, based on time, day, season, etc. It then organizes is work force based on that forecast to handle peak call hours. The most important thing is customer experience.

Furthermore, customer service is implementing “Customer Journey Analytics.” This looks at a customer’s call in historical context, taking into consideration what other inquiries the customer sought previously, what phones he used in the past, their data usage, past transactions, etc. It even takes into consideration things such as a customer who may have left a previous call or left a branch unsatisfied. The “contact center” is transforming into a “customer experience center” that is predictive and proactive. Instead of waiting for the customer to relay a problem, it will seek to proactively detect potential problems and proactively address that for the customer, or offer ways to improve satisfaction with available services. Essentially, it will be more personalized customer service based on analytics.


The second portion of the conference invited cybersecurity experts from abroad to introduce their companies and products, focusing on IT security in the era of digital transformation.

Game Changer for Technology

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Norman Lam is Vice President and GM for Greater China operations for Juniper Networks.

Juniper was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA. In 2018, it had $4.6 billion in revenue with business in 43 countries employing 9,300 people. It is considered a leader in data centers, as rated by Gartner as well as Forrester Wave. Its JUNOS Contrail Automation system is rated higher than comparable software by Cisco and Dell. It is ranked #1 in product reliability, service & support, security, and technology innovation by SP Vendor Ranking. One of the biggest security R&D programs is at Juniper.

Mission: “Connect everything. Empower everyone.” Vision: “Engineering simplicity.”

50% of enterprise applications will be in the cloud by 2020. In 2022, about $8 trillion will be spent on fighting cybercrime globally.

Juniper helps companies build clouds, connect people to clouds, distribute clouds to enable 5G and IoT, and deliver the software-defined network. In the near future, we will all be using “complex clouds.”

9 out of 10 of the most capitalized companies are tech companies.

The top 2 priorities of digital transformation are security and automation. When talking about clouds, there are many types. From the many types, we have to talk about hybrid clouds when keeping the customer in mind. The key is how to connect everything in a secure way – different machines in different places. Juniper’s software is designed not only to build a platform, but to manage it and also expand it.

5 step migration to digital enterprise:

  1. Device led
  2. Architecture led
  3. Operations led
  4. Business led
  5. Customer led

The final stage needs to be driven by the customer’s needs.

Evolved: How We Can Deal with Next-Generation Attacks

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Stan Ho is the Sales Engineer Manager of China and Mongolia of Sophos Group.

Sophos is a UK company based in Oxford. It has 3,500 employees serving over 300,000 customers. Since its establishment in 1985, the company has acquired many companies in the IT and cybersecurity industry. The company uses AI to detect malware, being a leader in endpoint protection and unified threat management.

By the end of 2019, over 1 billion unique malware samples will exist. Modern antivirus programs are becoming increasingly useless. In 2018, over 16,000 software vulnerabilities were reported.

Sophos’ flagship product is the Intercept X, which uses deep learning, which has higher detection rates and gets better with more data compared to traditional machine learning. The Intercept X is a next-gen endpoint solution that has anti-exploit, anti-malware, anti-ransomware, root cause analysis, as well as machine learning.

Next-gen firewalls are becoming more popular among enterprise customers.  Sophos offers the XG Series in this regard, which has modular desktop options for LTE, DSL, and WiFi. This firewall also utilizes deep learning technology, and convicts 3,500 files weekly.  When an endpoint is compromised, the firewall will detect who is compromised, and provide automatic response within seconds.

Many of the company’s cyber security solutions can be controlled via Sophos Central, which can be used as a dashboard, by the admin, or as self-service.

All these can be combined into a Synchronized Security suite.

FireEye Overview

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Lawrence Li is Channel Account Manager for FireEye Greater China.

FireEye is a global cybersecurity firm with 4 Operations Centers worldwide. It has tracked over 35 nation-state sponsored APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats). In 2018, the firm published 24,000 intelligence reports with the back of over 700 threat researchers, platform engineers, malware analysts, intelligence analysts, and investigators.

One key thing about FireEye is that it employs actionable intelligence. It has nation-grade capabilities, with adversarial intelligence and campaign intelligence. It can tell you where a threat is coming from, who is behind it, what they want, and how they operate.

Today, if you have bitcoin, you can just buy malware from the underground economy. Furthermore, normal software usually cannot detect zero-day exploits.

The FireEye ecosystem comprises three aspects: services, technology, and intelligence. For the service part, it protects cloud services and third party data and solutions. It offers expertise on demand. The front line is to prevent an attack, but in the case of being too late, it can also tell you how it happened and take steps to prevent this in the future.

 For the tech part, it features network security, email security, and endpoint security. It offers anti-phishing protection for emails. For endpoint, it doesn’t do antivirus at all, but does EDR – endpoint detection and response. Normally, hackers will drop a payload and raise its privileges to admin level, and try to affect multiple devices.

According to Forrester, FireEye is a leader in Cyber Incident Response Services as well as EDR, ahead of IBM, CrowdStrike, Kaspersky Labs, and Flashpoint. Regardless of whether it’s intelligence, or products, or EDR, they are all connected. APTs require lots of intelligence from an advanced vendor.

Security in the IoT era: Device Visibility and Control

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Michael LaFuente is a Snioer Technical Consultant at ForeScout Technology. ForeScout has over 2,900 customers in 80 countries, with over 4.7 million devices in the device cloud.

IoT connected devices will grow from today onward. Thus, we must rethink IoT security concerns, by prioritizing understanding, increasing IoT security funding, and increasing resources (such as work force).

Due to a lack of understanding of IoT, most enterprises are willing to accept a high level of risk in IoT. There is disagreement on who should lead IoT security matters, between whether it should be IT-led or LoB-led (Line of Business).

In a study by Forrester, 70% of responders states they are confident in their IoT security, yet when ask how confident they are that they can identify 100% of IoT devices, only 18% state they could.

Why don’t they do anything about it? Budget constraints, believe traditional approach encompasses IoT, and senior leadership doesn’t see the need for it. To address this, we have to promote a security culture. Make people aware of the risks. We must improve visibility of devices, and we also need the necessary tools for control of those devices. Also, by segmenting properly, even if an attack occurs, we can slow the spread of an attack in the network.

ForeScout’s product vision is to become the de facto standard for device visibility across an extended enterprise. This spans across a campus, the IoT, data center, the cloud, and operations. The base for all this is device visibility. ForeScout can help you identify any device that touches the network. Upon identification, it can tell you whether that device is compliant. Next, it can provide network access control. After that is network segmentation, and finally, incident responsible.


The final session of the day was on the topic of data analytics and cloud computing. 

Go Digital: ICT Accelerating the Digital Economy

Presentation not available to the public

Ling Wu is the Principal Strategy Marketing Expert at Huawei Technologies.

What is the digital economy? It is the intelligence revolution that is following the information revolution, which can be called the digital economy 1.0. Today’s intelligence revolution can be considered the digital economy 2.0. We are harnessing AI to process quantities of information that was not possible before.

Compared to the digital consumer, the digital industry is a much bigger piece of digital transformation. ICT is becoming a general purpose technology, just as the international combustion today is an everyday piece of technology. By 2025, Huawei sees $5 trillion of opportunities in ICT, and 5G is seen as a key technology driving the ICT industry to meet new historic opportunities as a foundation for intelligence. As 5G is rolled out, it forces synergy with other technologies, such as IoT, surveillance, new energy, control systems, manufacturing, etc.

Many nations are implementing national initiatives to support a digital economy. It is envisioned that productivity will increase of 25% by 2025 with ICT acceleration of the economy, and it is estimated that for every 16-20% growth in ICT, GDP will grow by 1%.

Shenzhen’s Safe City Project: Lowest criminal rate in history. Due to over 400,000 cameras installed with 100PB of data storage, homocides dropped from 270 in 2007 to 24 in 2017, most of them detected within 24 hours.

Long Gang District e-governance: 90% online delivery of services; 70% of data shared between agencies; internal process down by a third; and public satisfaction of over 95%. This is all on 1 network, 1 cloud, and 1 database.

Green Data Center for Dubai Int’l Airport: power consumption down 30%; Time for delivery down from 24 to 13 months.

Mobile payments in China has been growing at an ultra-rapid pace. In major cities, you have no virtual need for a paper currency or even a wallet, with all transactions done through your mobile phone, thanks to the LTE network.

Alibaba’s smart warehouse requires just a few members of staff to handle millions of kg of packages, due to robots and IoT.

Earlier in 2019, the first remote operation was conducted on a pig through the 5G eMBB network.

ICT Triggers Vertical Digitalization Integration. Given sufficient penetration of internet, cloud computing, big data, mobile payments, and bandwidth,
Broadband is the foundation on top of which a digital economy must be built.

As an ICT Industry benchmark, China’s only competitor today is the US, and the two are neck and neck.

In China, the government invested $720 billion in 4G, but companies received over $2 trillion in revenue from that investment.

One rising star in ICT infrastructure is Malaysia, which has rapidly developed in this regard in a very short amount of time. This is thanks to a high level of investment by the government in ICT.

The future is an intelligence society of all things connected: smart parking, connected city lighting, smart water, smart metering, connected elevators, internet of vehicles, smart homes, etc.

Driving the Enterprise Digital Transformation

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Huaming Wu is a Senior Consultant for VMware.

VM has over a thousand VMware service professionals, serving over 5,000 customers including global top 500 enterprises, including in education, finance, government, technology, healthcare and pharma, and manufacturing. In 2018 alone, the company received multiple awards coveted by businesses and the IT industry.
VMware creates an experience that makes the cloud invisible and easy to control so that customers can focus on transforming their business. Brands will eventually refine and revitalize its purpose. RPA and AI will join forces to create digital workers for more than 40% of enterprises. 25% of leaders will use automation to address the talent scarcity squeeze. Finally, investors are looking at the top 4 industries: manufacturing, retail, financial services, and transportation. That is why transformation is necessary.

Application needs are driving IT strategies and directions. Thus, data center and cloud solutions must match the needs of each application. The challenge for IT is to increase IT agility while reducing complexity and risk. The more scalable it is, the more it can extend to any cloud, and the faster the time to market, the faster the IT agility.

China Mobile Communications Corporations is the largest telecom corporation by market capitalization, and also the largest mobile phone operator by number of subscribers, with over 902 million subscribers as of June 2018. 2nd tier and 3rd tier tech support teams are managers and experts of VMware.

Machine Data Insights into the AI World

Click here to view all presentations (p. 177, English)

Yantao Hu is a Senior Consultant for Splunk North Asia. Splunk’s mission is to make machine data accessible.  It is organizing the .conf19 on October 21-24 in Las Vegas.

Top predictions for 2019 by Splunk:

  • AI and machine learning breaks out of the lab
  • Security in the wake of heightened compliance regulations and evolving digital environments
  • IT operations transform to focus on application mobility
  • IoT claims its stake in the modern organization.

NASDAQ uses Splunk UBA for insight into internal threats and data science-driven approach. UBA is active directory intelligence – “the root of all evil.” It uses unsupervised ML analysis to do this.

Vodafone also implemented Splunk AI, to improve efficiency and speed of service restoration post planned and unplanned outages to ensure application uptime. It implemented decisions based on real time performance resulting in efficient queue throttling, and also applied machine learning to predict ticket priorities, categories, assignees and resolutions. This resulted in cost savings, reduced SME dependency, and improved customer experience.

Deutsche Bahn implemented Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM). It analyzed train door machine data using machine learning, because maintenance and repair costs exceeded estimated. It detected anomalies using DBSCAN (from the machine learning toolkit). This reduced service interruptions, brought even distribution of stress to mechanical components, and gave foresight into potential failures.

Blackstone uses Splunk’s anti-phishing software to detect malware in emails. This brought down the speed of the process from over half an hour to about 40 seconds.

Aspects of Industry 4.0, the age of the smart factory:

  • Interoperability
  • Information transparency
  • Decentralized decisions
  • Technical assistance systems

BMW began using the technical assistance system to rework its process. They collected data from tests such as crash tests, brake tests, and chassis tests, and used Splunk machine learning to provide an assistance system. This allowed qualified recommendations to be provided to workers.

After the conference, a networking reception was held at Agartha restaurant on the 3rd floor of the Shangri-La.

- End -
MobiCom and the BCM would like to extend our appreciation to all the presenters, panelists, and attendees.


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